Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Dear Assistant to Lady Rosewater,

Through careful consideration and thoughtful planning it has come to be realized that the plexibubble fortune can only exist if certain polymers are extracted from asteroids within our solar system. Sci-Fi? Not quite as the plexy in the Plexibubble is derived from Plexybutanol-hydrate-cosmostic-matterum (pronunciation may vary) from the rings around Saturn. It has become possible in the last few years to mine such an element with the help of the Russians, who unknown to almost everyone, have been pursuing a plexybutanol-hydrate-cosmotic-matterum alternative for the last 15 years.

We were able to construct one plexibubble that would contain and encase the Honorable Sultan Armand Periwinkle's head to ensure his life and well-being. However, the limited and rare materials found on our glorious planet Earth could only be extracted and formed to make the headgear element of the entire plexy suit. Yes, we have been trying to create an entire plexibubble suit for A. Periwinkle to keep in accordance with Article 4321005 of the International Impressive Peoples Act of 1978. This article states that all those of heightened cosmic importance to the human race must be preserved as living and with cognitive capabilities intact. The plexibubble head treatment, in all honesty, only allowed for A. Periwinkle to retain his brain and head mass while allowing for normal wear and tear to reek havoc on the rest of his body.

We must keep this information hush hush hush, to make sure that the Russians don't take us for a proverbial ride with costs. A. Periwinkle is intending to live for another 102 years at the very least and as we all know the US dollar in 2000 has not baring on the US dollar in 2102. For fear of losing A. Periwinkle and all the priceless knowledge that he may well bestow in the next century the Periwinkle Camp has decided to go along with the plan to extract interstellar materials. We will need the support of the Rosewater Camp and must for the first time since our Alliance has been formed rely on an outside source. This source is well known on the black market and is under the control of one Paco Cottonbaughum.

I am sorry to alarm you. We must keep this as secret as Armand and Kitty's 32nd joint face lift operation (when doctors removed the skin from teddy bear hamsters in order to restore and relocate skin and fluffy hair to the scalp and forehead).

Please send your blessings,
Darwin Whitecrest

A. Periwinkle's devote

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